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“Great Vibes Global is your premier destination for seamless travel experiences. Specializing in air tickets, hotel accommodations, and bespoke tour packages, we elevate your journey with unparalleled service and unmatched expertise. Let us craft your perfect getaway, where every moment is filled with great vibes.”

View Our Guided Tour

Sights, Places, Sceneries & more

Exciting Maldives

Stay at 5star Hotels With Luxury Attractions
  • Expert Guides & Drivers

  • Accommodation & Activities

  • Beach Villas & Infinity Pool

7 Days

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Manju Kamboj

CEO & Founder

“Meet Manju Kamboj, the visionary leader and founder behind Great Vibes Global. With a passion for travel and a keen business acumen, She embarked on a mission to redefine the travel industry. Their innovative approach and commitment to exceptional service have propelled Great Vibes Global to new heights, making it a trusted name in the world of travel.”

Ph : +91 9915801157

Avneesh Kumar

Senior Manager

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Ph : +91 9855013800

Vikram Kamboj

Tourist Guide

Lectus arcu bibendum varius pharetra. Ide nunc miles ipsum lorays faucibuas.

Ph : +91 8100000394

Carole Floyd

Tourist Guide

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Ph : (023) 987-6543

Luke Marshal

Tourist Guide

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Ph : (023) 987-6543